Organic Products for Pets?

   There is no way around it, pets consume food, play with toys, and are groomed on a recurring basis. Pet owners want to know they are presenting the safest products for their furry family members. Americans spend over 13 billion dollars annually on pet products, making the market sizable and complex.

Between 2006 and 2008, more than 23000 tons of pet foods were involved in a nationwide recall. It was from more than 100 different brands. Melamine-contaminated food caused severe, oftentimes, fatal kidney failure in cats and dogs. Ultimately, pet owners and veterinarians were left feeling insecure about the safety of pet food products. Since the incident in 2007, the Food and Drug Administration has implemented some Amendment Acts, however, safety still is a concern since there has been multiple recalls after the act was applied.

Moreover, in 2009, a Washington Toxic Coalition tested over 400 pet products to find, what if any, toxic chemicals were in The results were disturbing, finding 25 percent of chew toys and pet collars tested contained significant levels of lead, cadmium, mercury, and arsenic. While in 28 of the products the toxicity levels showed levels higher than 300 ppm, which is the standard lead levels in children products, set by the Consumer Product Safety Commission. Again, our pet's health and safety is put at risk for illness and disease.

In addition, The Natural Defense Council indicates the chemicals, organophosphates and carbamates found in pet shampoos and conditioners interfere with the transmission of nerve signals in the body. There is probable evidence rendering long-term health inflictions on children when exposed to these products early in life, including cancer, Parkinson's Disease, and a possible autism link. What are these chemicals doing to our pets then?

In order to avoid dangerous pet products pet owners do have options. Organic is a great option because these pet products carry a higher quality standard than those that are not organic. Additionally, organic pet products aid in better nutrition, help the ease of digestion, pets have fewer allergies, which in return lowers health care bills for your furry loved one.

Hence, our pets are our best friends and family members. We all want the best health for our pets to supply them with the longevity they deserve. The bottom line is you decide which is best for your pet's health. Furthermore, if your pet displays any unusual behavior, loss of appetite, lethargy, or vomiting, consult with your veterinarian immediately.

Pet food quality goes beyond the ingredients being correct. Quality means that the required ingredients are clean fresh, and unadulterated. These are the same concerns we must have in regards to the foods we feed our pets. All the right ingredients being included in the required amounts are worthless if there is toxicity.

Just like humans, our pets should eat their vegetables. Would you not clean vegetables, prior to their being included in your dog's diet, just as you would for yourself? Even if you are an organic gardener how much of the dirt that you planted vegetables in is actually free from sort of toxin. Are the fish ingredients in your pet's food free of toxins? Perhaps the pet food manufacturer gets its fish from a polluted water source. What if the fowl that is in your dogs food came from a poultry farm that did not care for the health of their fowl. Perhaps these fowl were egg layers, who at the end of their usefulness were sold to a pet food manufacturer. Would the manufacturer that purchased those items care about the quality of those chickens?

If pet food manufacturers truly care about the quality of the ingredients used, then how do you explain the fact that current news contains information of such things as frogs found in dog food? How do you explain the melamine and salmonella recalls that we as pet owners, have become so aware of over the past several years? To make matters worse, what happens when you contact a manufacture of pet food to complain of the quality of food? They give you answers such as we will send you some free food, or some coupons to use when purchasing their food the next time. How insulting to our intelligence can it get? Why would anyone want to continue using a food that has had issues such as a recall, or someone finding a frog in the dog food can? It is beyond my understanding!

Several key questions to ask of any pet food manufacturer:

1. What are the ingredients?

2. What is the guaranteed analysis of the product?

3. Do you validate the quality of your ingredients, and if so how?

Pet owners should question where the ingredients come from! Are ingredients being produced or raised for consumption by humans or pets? Were the ingredients raised or grown for other purposes, and then sold off for use in pet products? Pet owners should also ask how old the food is. Has it been sitting in a warehouse for more than several months?

These are some examples of key quality questions that pet owners should ask manufacturers of their pet's food. Correct ingredients being in the food, in the right quantities do not equate to quality. Quality factors ate separate and distinct from ingredients.

Q-PRISE LLC offers natural pet products that are environmentally safe, holistic, healthy, natural, and made with the best quality ingredients available. We give back to the community and their pets through donating time, supplies, and money for projects that are healthy and caring for both people and pets.


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